Archive for December 2012

20 years after Babri demolition. Hindus are uniting to build both Ramajanmabhoomi Temple and Hindu Rashtra very soon.

Posted by hinduexistence on December 6, 2012

20 yrs after 1992

How much we have to wait for a Ramjanmabhoomi Temple in Ayodhya and a Hindu Rashtra in Bharat?

~ Upananda Brahmachari.
upananda-brahmachariOn December 6th of 1992 in Ayodhya , by demolishing the ”ILLEGAL” and “DISPUTED” Babri Structure , We Karsewak’s have reclaimed our rightful Holy place, Sri Ram Janma Bhoomi, Lord Rama’s Holy Birth Place. Since then  6th December  is celebrated as ‘Vijay’/'Shourya’ Diwas – ‘Victory Day’ or ‘Valour Day’ by Hindu’s all over the Globe. But after 20 years that VIJAY is still incomplete and it may termed as an ‘Ardha Vijay Diwas’  as it is a Victory in a half done condition.
Hindus won a big litigation in the Mandir-Masjid land dispute, but the controversy is still being kept alive by some followers of Babar who destroyed a magnificent Rama Temple by his commander Mir Banki in 1528 to make that disputed structure to humiliate the Hindus in many ways. Through a series of war over 450 years the followers of Lord Rama clearly knocked down the followers of Babar  in 1992. But, the pseudo secular politicians with Islamic, Christian and Communist faith are putting many hurdles to build a magnificent Ram Temple at Ayodhya.  Not only that, many holy places of Hindu Faith are waiting for the liberation from the plunderers’ Jihadi signs amidst its bloody history of Bharat in Islamic or Christian rules.
The crisis in the Hindu leadership and treating the Ram Janmabhoomi Temple Movement as an used or less important issue, did a great harm to the resurgence of Hindu Rashtra Movement in India.  Actually, Ram Janmabhoomi Temple Movement was activated as to rise a Hindu Wave to build up a meaningful management of a Hindu Rashtra in Bharat with Hindu Empowerment in all dimension. But that ethos are now somehow skipped by the political power monger Hindu Leadership always searching a short-cut to reach the goal.
I am not contradicting the Political power to be captured by the Hindus. But that cannot be first priority before making the foundation work so strength-fully. Horses should pull the chariot. Chariot cannot pull the horses. If we don’t possess that strong foundation or well trained horses to that Hindu Chariot, never can we reach that goal of Hindu Rashtra or Ram Janmabhoomi Temple at Ayodhya as a highest symbol of it.
So, the Hindu empowerment in all the social and economical faculty, Hindu empowerment in Judiciary and Administration,  Hindu empowerment in Police and Military, Hindu Exploration in Science and Technology  are needed as the horse-power to the Hindu Chariot leading to the goal of Hindu Rashtra. But, politics need a Hindu enforcement here instead of empowerment, so that the Indian Politics cannot be a subject of any Jihadi, Evangelical or Communist powers likely venture a stabbing on Indian Independence, Integrity and Sovereignty.
If we wish to see our Holy places  and signs of pride rebuilt once again to the glory as it were, we have to sacrifice more. With out spontaneous support from every sphere of Hindu Life such a big Hindutva movement cannot be helpful to reclaim our Holy places  or one and only Hindu Rashtra in Bharat for a billion of Hindus in the world. With the spirit of December 6 1992 , let us march together for re-establishing of a Hindu Rashtra in Bharat to become a Vishwa Guru and a Real World Power.
In this context I have three suggestions to make our movement successful.
One. Real Unity in Hindu Leadership. Hindus are divided as the Hindu Leadership is divided. If there is a real unity in Hindu Leadership, Hindus will be united in a moment. Respect to others and political dissolutions are the important factors here.
Two. Issue based joint strategy.  Many issues before the Hindus put Hindus in an issue-less confronting situation. Common and Commanding issues can put forth maximum Hindu success. Go-Ganga Raksha. Hindu’s highest sentiment over Go-hatya (Cow-slaughter) and Ganga Raksha to save the environment as habitable, must come to the priority.  Dharmasthan Raksha. Reclaiming Rama Janmabhoomi. Mathura Krishna Janmasthan and Kashi Vishwanath Jirnoddhar comes most important, but 100s of Bhagya Lakshmi Temples at Charminar or Bhojpal Temples are shrines are to be liberated through consistent movements. As the whole of Bharat is treated as Matru Bhoomi and Dharma Bhoomi, it should be liberated from anti Hindu force. Nari Raksha-Samaj Raksha. War front must be opened to fight against Love Jihad and Christian Conversion. With these issues Bharat must speak in a word, think in a way and win over the opponents of Hindutva.
Three: Local leadership for Hindu empowerment.  Just make a group of Ten to Fifteen boys (your friends) in your para (locality) and take a vow not to face any defeat from the opposition. Be Strategic. Powerful and then Successful. Self Defence and Arms Training is must. Keep keen vigil to stop Jihadi Terrorism. Take the help of RTI and HR in possible cases. Try to maintain a liaison with local PS. Gradually expand your group and set specific responsibilities in some smaller efficient groups. IT/Social Media Groups, Legal Cell, RTI Cell, Human Rights Cell, Fund Rising, Co-operatives, Hindu Help Line, all these will come up one after another, but all these should be saturated by the Pure Hindutva Concept. Without a dedicated, diligent and desperate Local Hindu Leadership, nothing can be achieved.
This is a matter of  strength out of profound Hindu faith.  We have to show the world about the power of Hindu Dharma. Hindu Dharma will defeat the Jihadi Terrorism, Christian Conversions and pseudo Secular Politics. Let everybody inform to join the Hindutva movements and find the solutions how to stop attacks on Hindu Dharma and how to win in the war for formation of Hindu Rashtra.
20 years have already gone after hearing the assurance one after another.  But now, we cannot wait for an indefinite time to establish a Ramajanmabhoomi Temple at Ayodhya. I think Hindu Groups in many fronts are getting reactive day by day through facing various Political, Islamic and Evangelical hazards. Proactive Hindus have set their alternative ways out of any big banners to run a struggle for Hindu Freedom to usher a New Hindu Age in Bharat Bhoomi. Big Hindu houses will be compelled to compensate for the real Hindu demands under pressure. In that calculation we will build a Sri Ram Temple in Ayodhya in 2015 and a Dharma Rashtra – Hindu Rashtra in Bharat in 2025. Swagatam. welcome to this Hindu Rashtra.

Ayodhya: Twenty years on, a refusal to see the truth of Ramjanmabhumi.

Posted by hinduexistence on December 2, 2012

JSR 6th Dec 1992

Ramjanmabhumi: Twenty years on, a refusal to see the truth 

- Dr. Subramanian Swamy

Swamy on Janmabhoomi1 DEC 2012  | New Delhi  | Daily Pioneer ::  The pseudo-secular narrative has triumphed on the Ram Janmabhoomi struggle which climaxed twenty years ago on December 6. The tragedy is that all the blood and gore could have been avoided through a negotiated settlement
On December 6, 1992, a superstructure called the Babri Masjid standing in the city of Ayodhya, came crashing down. It remains even today a traumatic event for the nation, because modern Indians have not yet been weaned on a true history of India, and hence a large section of our educated classes still view the destruction of the structure as criminal vandalism. What happened exactly? There was a superstructure built on the site of an ancient temple after demolishing it. That was the real vandalism.
Two years earlier, by a coincidence, on the same month and day, I had met representatives of the VHP and BJP at a house, next door to mine, on Mathura Road. The newly sworn in Prime Minister, the late Chandrashekhar, had asked me (I was then his newly sworn in senior most Cabinet Minister) that as the new Union Law& Justice Minister, I should talk to them about withdrawing their proposed nation-wide stir slated to begin on December 9, 1991 for building a Ram temple at the site the super-structure had then stood in its gloomy glory. He told me to assure the VHP that our government would get removed the Babri Masjid with the consent of Muslim leaders through discussions.
The VHP and BJP leaders I met readily agreed to call off the stir since we were a new government. Their decision to go on a stir was taken when VP Singh was in power – his government fell in November. Thereafter, in January 1991, talks initiated by Chandrashekhar himself began with the Muslim leaders. Unfortunately, despite the zig-zag progress in the talks, our government did not last long enough to fructify it. Had history taken a different turn and our government lasted for a year more, I am confident we would have amicably liberated the Ranjanmabhoomi for building a befitting Ram temple, that too with the consent of the Muslim community, even though the Government was in the minority in the Parliament.
From my personal experience as a Minister in a minority government, I can therefore say that lack of majority is no excuse for implementing any agenda, if the leadership had the mindset to get things done. As a Minister of Law &Justice, for instance, I got the controversial Sessions Judge of Faizabad, KM Pandey, a High Court judgeship, despite the fact that the previous V.P. Singh’s “three-legged” government had issued orders on file that since Pandey had directed the locks on the so-called Babri Masjid be removed in 1986, he should never be made a High Court judge.
Mulayam Singh was our Chief Minister of UP, but with firmness I got his protests sufficiently moderated to his permit me to go ahead. He cooperated because he knew I would do it anyway– make Pandey a judge of the High Court-and hence he acquiesced since he wanted other things done for him by me,. The same clarity enabled the Chandrashekhar government to get Saifuddin Soz’s kidnapped daughter freed without releasing any dreaded terrorists. There are methods for doing that-mostly based on retaliation. In each case it is the mindset of those elected to high office that matters, not the size of the parliamentary majority or lack of it.
It was this mindset that enabled the Chandrashekhar government to nearly solve by an agreement the question of building of a Ram temple in Ayodhya. However, the government however fell before it could be clinched. But could the Babri Masjid have been demolished in a more legally authorised way? Hindus should not be defensive in the face of an onslaught by the fashionable secularists about removing mosques built on where temples had once stood, because the Supreme Court has held in the Faruqui vs. Union of India case [(1994)6 SCC360], that a masjid is not an essential part of Islamic theology, and these can and have been be demolished for public good.
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and even in British-ruled undivided India, Masjids have been demolished to facilitate roads. The government of Saudi Arabia did not think twice before demolishing the Bilal Masjid in Mecca where Prophet Muhammed used to read namaz. A masjid, like a church, is not a religious place in the sense a temple is. Masjids and Churches are places for worship, i.e., buildings which serve as facilitation centres for namaz and prayer. Namaz can be read anywhere even on a railway platform. In the United States, the VHP buys disused Churches and converts them into temples, and yet no Christian there objects.
But temples, once it is shown that a prana prathista puja has been performed to build it, is where God or deity resides, and belongs to God forever. As Union Law&Justice Minister in 1991 I got our government legal team to prove this to the satisfaction of the House of Lords in Britain, to bring back a Nataraja statue taken from a disused Thanjavur temple. It was at Rajiv Gandhi’s request I took interest in the case!
Of course, because of this fact about masjids and churches, no one in a democracy has the right to take the law into his own hands to demolish them. But on the other hand, a government can remove in a legal and orderly way the masjids in Ayodhya, Kashi, and Brindavan (this mention is supposed to be Mathura as the birth place temple of Lord Krishna – Ed. HE), in fact in 300 other places, to rebuild the original temples under law. We can get Muslims to cooperate in this. I am confident of this. Babri Masjid was built as an affront to Hindus. Otherwise it could have been built anywhere else since namaz can be offered anywhere. Hindus have however prevailed because despite 800 years of Islamic and 200 years of Christian domination, Bharat today is still over 80 per cent Hindu and a continuum of an ancient civilisation. Hence, now we must resolve to rectify what is essential to rectify and reclaim. For that, the restoration of three holy sites, in Ayodhya, Vrindavan, and Kashi, is necessary. Patriotic politicians must resolve: Come our way or go the highway.
But it is easier said than done to expect that politicians would do or die for it. As our rudderless democracy has drifted, we are today in a “match-fixing mode” even in electoral contests. In Tamil Nadu, the DMK and AIADMK are bitter enemies, but in most crucial constituencies, a match-fixing arrangement for money have been worked out for decades between Sasikala of the AIADMK and Arcot Veerasamy of the DMK, who are alter egos of their respective top leaders, and determined to keep out the Hindutva forces from Tamil Nadu.
The same match-fixing disease has spread to other parties nation-wide. We have to cure it before it completely debilitates and destroys our democracy as it has done in Banana Republics of Latin American countries such as Colombia and Peru.
The reluctance today to confront and expose the anti-Hindu personages in Parliament, academia and media because of this disease of “match-fixing”. It is said that such attacks would be “personal” and “counter productive”. There is however nothing “personal” in such directed and organised attacks. Just as the world focused on Hitler or Mussolini, without thinking of it being personal, therefore we should identify and expose especially the person who today has emerged as the fountain head of the anti-Hindutva campaign.
But we cannot prevail in this struggle, if we have in our midst those suffering from the “Arjuna virus” as-the late Swami Chinmayananda once pointed out, referring to Arjuna’s initial reluctance to fight at Kurukshetra. The Babri Masjid legacy is that virus we still have to cure twenty years later.
(The writer is President, Janata Party | writer can be reached at | Courtesy: Daily Pioneer)

Hindu Rashtra Conference in West Bengal.

Posted by hinduexistence on August 30, 2012

The Inauguration Of Hindurashtra Summit West Bengal Successfully Started With Passion For Hindurashtra

Hindurashtra Will Certainly Be Established With A Combination of Brahmatej and Kshatratej  - Sri Charudatt Pingley, National Guide, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.
Upananda Brahmachari, Mahesh Yogi, Charudutta Pingley
and Swami Pradiptananda (L to R) inaugurating the programme
Hindu Janjagruti Samiti organised a historical Hindu Rastra Adhiveshan(10th – 14th June, 2012) at Ramnathi, Goa for the re-establishment of Hindu Rashtra in Bharat within 2025. It was resolved then to hold state level conference in each state for the materialization of Hindu Rashtra in Bharat. In this connection a state level conference is being organised at Arya Samaj Mandir, Salkia Howrah, on 25th and 26thAugust, 2012.
In the inaugural session the saints and dignitaries namely Swami Pradiptanandaji Maharaj, Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Swami Mahesh Yogi, Arya Samaj, Haridwar, Pujya Charudutta Pingle, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, emphasied on the immediate need for the Hindurashtra.
The audience observing the program
The grand occasion started with the inspirational speech of Swami Pradiptanandaji Maharaj from Beldanga Bharat Sebashram Sangh. He took the audience to the world of Hindurashtra where they could taste its essence in the uplifting of the nation as well as the universe and the need for Indians in general and Hindus in particular to make their lives status better in the current pseudo-secular nation. He revealed the way how Hindurashtra can be achieved in a path concreted by spirituality on one hand and nationalism on the other. The saint resembled Swami Vivekananda whom the westerners called a “soldier saint” due to his inbuilt nationalist spirituality. After listening to his intellectual caliber and stern voice one can easily guess why is he facing constant threats from the jihadists?

Hindurashtra in Bharat is the Birthright of World Hindus : HJS.

Hindurashtra in Bharat is the Birthright of World Hindus : Hindu Rashtra Adhiveshan – West Bengal.
Team Asansol News, August 27, 2012; Kolkata.
From left: Swami Mahesh yogi, Pujya Charudatta Pingle, Acharya Brahmadatta and Swami Agamananda on dais 
The first day of the 2 days long Bengal Hindu Summit was successfully followed to the second day with only increased enthusiasm. After the main function met an end at the first day, the Hindu brothers and sisters present over there broke the barriers of age and the difference between speaker and audience, they took active part in the group discussions with the same panellist status to all of them. Group discussions were conducted on three problems viz. Goraksha under the leadership of AcharyaYogeshShashtri of Goraksha Dal, Love Jihad under TituShadowson of Asansol News and the present status of the Bengali Hindus under UpanandaBrahmachari of Hindu Existence.

No hope for Hindus in this Presidential election in India

Posted by hinduexistence on July 1, 2012

Presidential poll in India: How Hindus lost their plot.

~ Upananda Brahmachari.
Behind thy Hand
New Delhi | 30th June, 2012 :: It is now still  summer in Delhi. Heat waves moves from the North to South block. From Parliament House street to Raisina Hills. A Heatwave increase due to the top post of President in the country is slated for July 19 and the result would be out on July 22. The term of the present incumbent Pratibha Patil ends on July 24.
So far nominations from 42 contestants have been accepted as primarily valid for their candidature to be scrutinized for the July 19 Presidential election in which UPA nominee Pranab Mukherjee is pitted against Opposition candidate Purno Agitok Sangma  majorly supported by NDA.
In this federal system of democracy India has prompted the presidential magnitude in a stature of  multitude glorification and ornamentation of its constitutional head as a subject of the parliament supremacy. However, the people of this  country still thinks a remedy through its Presidential power  in a havoc threat perception in this nation through parliamentarian corruption,   nepotism, irresponsibility, treachery and all perversions possible in the politics. It is beyond any clarification. But the upcoming two faces in the main fray may not be an ace to trump in this game of hope and respire. Nither Mr. Pranab Mukherjee nor P A Sangma symbolize the people’s hope anyway against  corruption and the coalitions of all obnoxious elements in the national spectrum.
Mr. Mukherjee filed his papers in the presence of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, UPA Chairperson and Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi. Other important leaders who accompanied him include Samajwadi Party president Mulayam Singh Yadav, Rashtriya Janata Dal president Lalu Prasad, Lok Jan Shakti Party president Ram Vilas Paswan, Rashtriya Lok Dal leader Ajit Singh, BSP Parliamentary Party leader Dara Singh Chauhan, DMK Parliamentary Party leader T.R. Baalu, National Conference president Farooq Abdullah and Janata Dal (United) general secretary Shivanand Tiwari.
UPA’s nominee was endorsed by a large number political parties—parties like RJD, SP, BSP and Ram Vilas Paswan’s LJP, who are supporting the UPA. Mr Mukherjee  has also received the support from other parties like Shiv Sena, JD-U, CPI-M and FB.
The first set of nomination papers in favour of Mr. Mukherjee was submitted by the Prime Minister, Monmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, the Chair Person of UPA. The second set was submitted by senior Congress leader Motilal Vora, while Mukherjee submitted the other two of the total four sets.
The nomination papers were signed by as many as 486 MPs and MLAs, including Union Ministers, Chief Ministers, Congress Legislature Party leaders and PCC chiefs in favour of Mukherjee.
Showmanship of Absurdity
In the contrast, Sangma, whose candidature was propped up by BJD and AIADMK and supported by BJP and some other NDA constituents, had three sets of papers filed in his support.
N Patnaik, CM Odisha filed one set with 108 signatures in Sangma’s favour, another set was filed by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa with 120 signatures, while the third set was filed by L K Advani and P S Badal, CM Punjab with 122 signatures of members of the electoral college. Total 350 MPs and MLAs have signed in favour of Sangma.
Mr. Sangma was accompanied, among others by, senior BJP leaders L.K. Advani, Nitin Gadkari, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, BJD president and Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Shiromon Akali Dal president and Punjab Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal, Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy and AIADMK Parliamentary Party leader M. Thambidurai.
The electoral college for Presidential election comprises 4,896 members — 776 Members of Parliament and 4,120 Members of Legislative Assemblies, including those of Delhi and Puducherry.
The total value of their votes is 10,98,882 with that of MLAs being 5,49,474 and that of MPs being 5,49,408.
Congress and its allies, including Trinamool Congress, constitute the UPA account for over 4.60 lakh vote value. BJP-led NDA has over 3.04 lakh vote value.
The ‘others’, including parties like Samajwadi Party, BSP and the Left, have over 2.62 lakh vote value.
By percentage Mukherjee deserves 56.17 and Sangma shares 31.7 percentage from general appreaciation.
From the above statistics, the fate of Mukherjee or Sangma is obviously clear with certainly with some ifs and buts.
The Trinmool Congress has not decided yet. There is a question of so-called ’conscience vote’. Another is ‘cross voting’.  The sense of provincialism and racial aspect will take into force. Already propagation from the tribal and Christian lobbies have come to the surface. The Andhra Pradesh Federation of Churches (APFC) has appealed in favour of Sangma as, “He is a Christian by religion; though the members of other Minority communities like the Muslims and Sikhs were given the post of the President not Christians. It is the turn of a Christian now.”
P A Sangma was expelled by his party NCP and her daughter Agatha  (now Union Minister of State, Rural Development)  may also face the same treatment.  Agatha Sangma is charge sheeted with campaigning for her father. In Baster (Chhattisgarh) on Monday 25th June, Union minister Agatha Sangma said it would be a “welcome gesture” if tribal MPs and MLAs voted for her father PA Sangma in the July 19 Presidential election. Aravind Netam, a veteran tribal leader from Jharkhand has been expelled by Congress Party as he had a joint press conference with Sangma before filing his nomination. Netam criticized Congress that the Party did not pay proper attention to the Tribal Welfare and welcomed Sangma as favourable and nominated candidate from the Tribal Forum of India.
Many equations are working stealthily that we don’t know. All will go to Darbar of Sahi Imam and the Darghas without fail. But if you ask anything about the Hindu interest in this presidential election context, you will surely be branded as a communal one in this Hindu Majority Country.
Taking the help of Maratha Hinduvad or Indian Union Muslim League is truly Secular. The Christian sentiments or Tribal demands are also secular enough. But, if you want to raise your voice in favour of Hindutva of Savarkar, Hedgewad or Shyamaprasad, then it is simply communal. Hindus unfortunately succumbed this injustice and tolerated all along. But why?
It is for the maroon Hindu leaderships who have not even any courage to announce a Hindu Presidential Candidate for their own. The line from Nagpur to Jhandelwala has been collapsed. All the Dahrma Sangshad and the Shankara Mutths are either sleeping or engrossed with hallucinations.
BJP, which is branded as a Hindu Party (though it is not a Hindu party nor believes in Hindu Rashtravad) and common Hindus believe as their party, is completely failed to manage a strong Hindu candidate on their own for Presidential election. But, they will not stop their big lectures to save this unfortunate (may call orphan) Hindu Nation.
Hopes of Hindus are being shattered rapidly. Sri Govindacharya, the once proclaimed TT (Think Tank – Chanakya) and present day big luminaries like Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Baba Ramdev, Anna Hazare all proved their differences between gossips and gateways. Their claims are mismatched with their calibers. The tendencies of present day big Hindu leadership are dangerous as they are indulging fatal permissiveness in Hindu Society. Adjustment with identity and self respect is dangerous than anything. In this Presidential poll in India, Hindus lost their plot of any benefit.
Is there any way out? Yes, ray of hope is there. If the small Hindu organizations all over the country join their hands to form a big coalition of alternative Hindu Social and Political Force to compel all the big yawning Hindu Organizations and all political parties to kneel down to this prospective Hindu Nation (Hindu Rashtra), history may be changed then and there.
Author can be contacted at or

Shri Narayan Prem Sai is to file nomination as Presidential Candidate for Hindus in India.

Posted by hinduexistence on June 24, 2012

Narayan Prem Sai surfaced as Presidential Candidate for Hindus.

The Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena and Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha announced the candidature of Narayan Prem Sai, son of spiritual leader Asharam Bapu, for the post of Rashtrapati (President) of Bharat (India).

New Delhi | 24th June, 2012 :: Keeping in view the politics being played in the name of minorities by different political parties and the neglect of the majority community, the Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena and Hindu Mahasabha today announced the candidature of Shri Shri Narayan Prem Sai, son of great spiritual leader Shri Asha Ramji Bapu, for the upcoming presidential elections.
Shri Sai’s candidature was jointly announced by Sena Chief- Shri Jai Bhagwan Goyal and Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, President- Shri Chandra Prakash Kaushik at a press conference here attended by representatives of many Hindu organisations.
Shri Goyal and Shri Kaushik said that at a time when youth power is been promoted in every walk of life, our effort is to ensure that a young man occupies the highest office of the rank. They said here the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had stated that politics without religion was immoral and therefore we believe that religious minded people should head the nation and protects its culture and ensure its progress. They called upon all political parties, independent MPs and legislatures to support Shri Shri Sai’s candidature in the larger national interest.
Jai Bhagwan Goyal(Rastra Shiv Sena) and Chandra Prakesh (President of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha) jointly announcing the name of  the name of  Narayan Prem Sai for the presidential election in Capital on 19 June 2012.
Sant Sri Narayan Prem Sai, President Ojaswi Party with Swami Satyamitranandaji of Bharat Mata Mandir, Haridwar.
Joint Press Conference of Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena and Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha to announce Sri Narayan Prem Sai as Presidential Candidate for Hindus.
The Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena and Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha jointly announced  the candidature of Narayan Prem Sai for the presidential election.

Hindu Existence welcome the decision of filing nomination of Sri Narayan Prem Sai in the Presidential post as a Hindutvawadi Candidate.

Courtesy: News Track | News Kerala.

Problems are many, Only solution is Hindu Rashtra.

Posted by hinduexistence on June 18, 2012

H.H. Dr. Athavale on ‘Outcome of the Hindu Adhiveshan’.

June 16, 2012 |Ramnathi, Goa.
H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale, Sanatan Sanstha

Development of an emotion of unity among the Hindu organisations is the biggest outcome of the Convention !

The ultimate goal of all the Hindu organisations is establishment of the Hindu Nation. The day-to-day activities of all the Hindu organisations are directed towards the cause of Nation and Dharma. Effectively it means that all the Hindu organisations had the same goal and their actions too were similar; yet, there was no unity among them. Consequently no one was able to see or experience the manifestation of the strength of Hindu unity. Post ‘All India Hindu Convention’ unity of the Hindu organisations will be felt. Feeling of loneliness of Hindu organisations will be wiped out and with a confidence that ‘we all are Pandavs’, they will be active for the protection of Dharma and ultimately the goal of establishing the Hindu Nation will be achieved.
- H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale,  Sanatan Sanstha

All those who are active for the cause of Nation and Dharma, always remember that door of Sanatan Sanstha is wide open for you ! – H.H. Dr. Athavale

1. ‘If you feel the need of individual guidance in sadhana (spiritual practice), contact Sanatan’s seekers in your District or State any time. They will guide you affectionately.
2. If you want to discuss an issue pertaining to Nation and Dharma or if you face any difficulty, you can contact seekers of Sanatan any time.’

Hindu Rashtra is the only remedy on Bangladeshi Infiltrators ! – Upananda Brahmachari.

June 14, 2012 | Ramnathi, Goa.
Upananda Brahmachari, Editor – Hindu Existence
Ramnathi, Ponda (Goa) : Presently the situation is so bad that even the Border Security Force cannot control the infiltrations of Bangladeshi Muslims. The number of Bangladeshi infiltrators is on the rise in Assam and surrounding states with the backing of local political parties. Some Hindu organisations was expected take effective measures against this infiltration as a Hindu organisation; but it failed. Now Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has begun the mission of establishing Hindu Nation by uniting all minor Hindu organisations throughout the Nation. If a strong Hindu unity develops through this Convention, then infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims will get reduced. Shri. Upananda Brahmachari from Bengal stated this while speaking on the subject ‘Infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims and anti-National activities of Maoists’.
He  further added,
  1. Presently the Bangladeshi Muslims form 2% of Bharatiya population. They have created many ‘Mini Pakistan’ all over Bharat.
  2. Four thousand of Rohingya Muslims from Manaymar are currently staying in Delhi.
  3. According to the Intelligence reports, 39% of the infiltrators stay in Bengal, 25% in Assam and North Eastern regions, 22% in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi while rest of them are scattered in all other states.
  4. Now these Bangladeshi people are collectively demanding Bharatiya citizenship in Kolkata.
  5. A Muslim MP in Rajyasabha demanded rehabilitation of such infiltrators – migrants as Muslims think Bharat a Dharmashala.
  6. The menace of Bangladeshi infiltration is assuming a dreadful form. A conspiracy to divide Bharat lies underneath it.
  7. Pakistan intelligence agency ISI and Bangladesh intelligence DGFI Masterminds are behind increasing influx from Bangladesh and outside.
  8. Maoists, Islamists and Christian Conversion and Warrior Groups have certain nexus to destroy Bharat drastically.
  9. Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati was murdered by Maoist and Christian joint action as revealed.
  10.  Mosques and Madarshas are being utilized as the help centres for the Muslim infiltrators.
Hindu culture is safe because of sadhana(Spiritual practice) of Rishis (Sages) in Himalayas !
Despite a number of assaults by foreign forces so far on Bharat, Hindu culture is still existent. Now we have come together for establishment of the Hindu Nation so that such assaults can be stopped. Just as we get blessings of Saints and Sages for this mission, Hindu Dharma and culture is also being saved due to Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) emitted by many Saints who are performing penance in the caves of Himalaya Mountain. We must express gratitude unto them for this.  ~ Upananda Brahmachari.
Courtesy : HJS.
From the Press: 

Hindu banks, temple code talks at meet : The Herald

All India Hindu convention calls for common civil code : TOI

Hindu convention in Goa from today : The Hindu

Scrap religion-based reservation: Hindu meet : TOI

Blueprint for ‘Hindu Nation’ to be chalked out in Goa : TOI

Convention in Goa to chart out path for Hindu nation : Daily Pioneer

Hindu groups to meet in Goa : Zee News

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti declared Bharat as a Hindu Rashtra.

Posted by hinduexistence on June 14, 2012

Hindu Rashtra will be unique solution for the future of Hindus – Dr Charudutta Pingle.

Upananda Brahmachari from Ramnathi, Goa.
Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa | 14-06-2012 :: In a press meet in the concluding phase of 5 days All India Hindu Summit to have the Hindu Raj in this holy land of Bharat, Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janjagruti Samiti adopted various resolutions in every aspect of Dharmik life and ultimately decalred Bharat as Hindu State.
The Proclamation such a Hindu Rashtra in National level so directly and emphatically has never happened ever after declaring Marathwada as a Hindu Pad Padsahi declared by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
Various resolutions for Security, Safety, Swadeshi Economy, Environment, Education, Culture and Heritage, Ganga and Cow Protection, Neighbouring Enemy States, Protection of Bangaladeshi and Pakistan Hindus and Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka and holistic approach of all round development of this ancient and divine land of Bharatvarsha were adopted unanimously and also with some addendum.
While Pujjya Charudutta Pingleji of HJS emphasised upon Brahmatejas (Supreme Knowledge), Sri Promod Muthalik stressed upon warrior spirit of the Hindu State to be completely materialized with in 2023.
Sri Muthalik urged every Dharmabhimani (Protector of Dharma in Pride and righteousness) should keep at least one sharpened SWORD in Puja Place or front in of the room as a must.
Some 54 proactive Hindu organisations from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Gujarat to Bengal, number of about 175 delegates  participated in this National Convention for Hindu Rashtra and resolved to hold State level Dharma Jagran and Hindu Rashtra Campaign upto Sub Division level step by step.
Felicitations were given to every Saints and Dignitaries present throughout thi session for Hindu Rashtra.
The Hindu Rashtra Convention as convened by Sanatan Sanstha and HJS ended with the singing of completed Rashtra Vandana – VANDE MATARAM.
Details of Hindu Resolutions for a HINDU RASHTRA is coming soon to this site and HJS site.
Related reading: 

Hindu Rashtra is the only remedy on Bangladeshi Infiltrators ! – Upananda Brahmachari

Pic: L to R. Valedictory session going on, Siddhalingam Swami-Upananda Brahmachari-Promod Muthalik-Acharya Yogesh Shastri,  Team Maharashtra.

Hindu Rashtra Summit started with full enthusiasm under the blessings of Lord Shri Krishna.

Posted by hinduexistence on June 12, 2012


Hindu Rashtra Summit ~ ‘All India Hindu Adhiveshan’ inaugurated : Unprecedented history to be created.

~Upananda Brahmachari.
Delegates are resolving the points on Hindu Rashtra.
Hindus believe both in Krama (Selfless Work) and Chaitanya (Supreme Conciousness) as per nature and Sanatana Philosophy. But these two spirits are rare to see in a line. But through a process of long Sadhna (dedicated offering of Self for the selfless service), Hindu Janjagruti Samiti has successfully made its history to put forth people’s aspiration of a HINDU STATE in BHARAT in its Hindu Rashtra Summit in Goa.
With the presence of Saints, Scholars, activists and devotees and blessings of Sri Sri Jagatguru Shankarcharya of Kanchi Kamkoti Peetham and Pujya Dr Jayanta  Athavale, the Historic Summit started on 10th June 2012 in Ramnath Temple Complex at Ponda, Goa.
The Summit started with Chanting of Ved Mantra and Dwip Prajjalan ( Lighting the brass lamp) and spontaneous war cry for a Hindu Rashtra. 196 delegates and dignitaries have reached to the Summit so far till the Day- 2 of the programme. Sri Narayan Sai Ji ( Son of Pujya Asaram Bapu) attended the Summit and blessings for the success of the Summit.
Important matters like Hindu Rashtra – The Policy and Making, Kashmir – Problem of Hindus and Solution, Communal Riots - Remedial steps to protect Hindu Society, Temple Property – Govt. encroachment and Hindu protest, Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill -2011, In the Defence of Hindu Society – Methodology in Spiritualism and Activism, Self Defence Training for the individual for the protection of State are discussed in the interactive sessions and also exhorted by the experts in the particular discipline.
Sri Narayan Sai is discussing with Upananda Brahmachari, Editor Hindu Existence.
Exhibitions of the plight of Kashmir and Bangladeshi Hindus as designed by FACT (Forum Against Continuing Terrorism) and propagated by HJS attracted the delegates significantly.
The stalls for Sanatan Books and The Sanatan Prabhat also remain the main attractions for the delegates of this Hindu Rashtra Summit.
The presentation of Sushri Vaidehi Sachin of NBC Newsmakers for a strong Hindu Media was an excellent experience for all.
Viewers of Hindu existence are requested to get the details of this Great Summit for Hindu Rashtra through the links hereunder:
Watch Live Stream on Hindu Rashtra Summit, Ramnathi – Goa.

Unprecedented history to be created at Ramanathi (Goa) : All India Hindu Convention that augurs the Hindu Rashtra, begins with great splendour  !

‘Hindu Adhiveshan’ is a stepping stone for the establishment of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ! – H. H. Dr. Athavale

Aim of the Convention and role of the ‘Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’

Introduction of all dignitaries attending the ‘Hindu Adhiveshan’

Hindu Convention : Snippets of the second day of All India Hindu Convention

Courtesy: HJS.

Historical Hindu Rashtra Summit will start in few hours in Goa on 10-06-2012. Dignitaries and delegates from eight States have already reached at venue.

Posted by hinduexistence on June 10, 2012

Ramnathi is set to welcome all the warriors of Hindu Rashtra in its Historical Hindu Summit – 2012.

Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa, Bharat | 9th June 2012 :: Dignitaries and delegates from several  in  States in India  have already reached Ramnathi Ashram Goa  to participate in the ‘All India Hindu Convention’ which is taking place here between 10th and 14th June with the sacred and sacrificed goal of establishment of Hindu Nation. During the last two days, a few new pro-Hindu Organisations from Punjab and Assam have registered their names to participate in the Convention. Some pro-Hindus active in Nepal have also expressed willingness to attend the Convention. Dr. Manoj Solanki, office bearer of Samiti and organiser of the Convention gave this information.
Dr. Manoj Solanki said that Jain Organisations active throughout the country and a Sikh Organisation from Punjab have also joined the Convention. Representatives of H.H. Asarambapuji, Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji and Jagadguru Narendracharyaji Maharaj will also attend the Convention. Shankaracharya Jagadguru Shri Swami Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchi-Kamkoti Peeth has conveyed His blessing to the Convention. In short, throwing away the differences of caste, sect, Organiation etc. all the Hindus have participated in the Convention. This august Convention will prove to be a golden page in the history of establishment of Hindu Nation.
The historical event for declaring a Hindu State in India, the trained team of Hindu Janajagruti Samity and Sanatan Sanstha have completed all its arrangement to welcome more than 500 hundred delegates for their entire satisfaction in their participation all along. The Reception, Press (Danik Sanatan Pravat etc) and media centre, the boarding and lodging, Prasadam (fooding), exhibition, logistics and all other departments of the Programme Committee are fully charged with a spiritual containment of service (seva) motivation.
Upananda Brahmachari of Hindu Existence, Acharya Yogesh Shastri of Arya Samaj, Dr Nilmadhab Das of Tarun Hindu Dal, Jharkhnd have already reached Ramnathi to attend this grand programme and visited all the departments connected with this programme and Ramnathi Ashram as requested by the convenor.
In an interview taken by Sri Chittarnjan Sural, an active organiser of this Hindu Summit, Upananda Brahmachari, the editor, Hindu Existence expressed  that this Hindu Summit is a reflection of the demand of a Hindu State by the Hindus in India on the basis of Dharma, Shakti and mass movement. He said that Hindus are the largest 3rd religious groups in the world. If the first and second largest religious groups have about 100 religious states, Why Hindus numbering 100 crores are deprived from a single Hindu State.
Referring Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Tilak, Dr Hedgewar, Savarkar, Sri Upananda Brhamachari said the demand for a Hindu State is a just and fare demand of Hindus in all perspectives.
 Courtesy: Hindu Janjagruti Samity.

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Pay honorarium to Hindu priests, not to just Imams: VHP demands to Mamata.

Posted by hinduexistence on April 21, 2012

VHP demands allowances for poor priests and  unemployed youths.

April 20, 2012 | HE News Desk, Kolkata :: In a protest Meeting held at College Square in Kolkata on Friday, 20/04/2012 the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) said, it would launch a campaign in West Bengal demanding monthly honorariums to Hindu priests and unemployed youth to protest against the Mamata Banerjee-led government’s decision to pay honorariums of Rs.2,500 to imams.

As part of the campaign named ‘Amakeo 2500 taka Dao’ (‘Give me Rs.2,500 too’), signatures of unemployed youth and priests would be taken, said VHP International Working President, Dr Pravinbhai Togadia.

“It is time Mamata Banerjee to stop playing the politics of community appeasement. If the imams can get money, what wrong have the priests done? They should also be paid,” he said.

Dr. Pravin Bhai Togadia, International Working President, Vishwa Hindu Parishad addressed a public protest meeting today (20/04/2012) in Kolkata (College Square – near Calcutta University at 2-30 pm), in connection with paramount Muslim appeasement in West Bengal under the blessings of Miss. Mamta Banerjee (Chief Minister, West Bengal) to create a Muslim Homeland in West Bengal. The Change Queen Mamtaz Banu Arjee is taking dangerous steps in Bengal again and again. This pro Muslim lady already given sanction for 10000 Madrashas, declared URDU as 2nd language in 10% URDU speaking populated areas, more provisions – more quota for Muslims in jobs and now Rs. 2500/- pm for 30000-40000 Muslim imams alongwith free homes, education, treatment for their families and so on…… Now the Poor Hindu Priest Forum and Unemployed Hindu Youth Unity will start a signature campaign to get Rs. 2500/- for them also as Priest honorarium or unemployed stipend for youths.

The Viswa Hindu Parishad would organise youth and students’ movements on May one and seven throughout the state demanding monthly allowances to the unemployed youths and priests in the West Bengal. Addressing a rally here, VHP working president Pravin Togadia said, ” The Trinamool Congress-led Mamata Banerjee government should either withdraw immediately the monthly salary of Rs 2500 to the Imams or pay the similar amount to all the unemployed youth and priests’ in the state. ” He said, ” Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee should immediately withdraw the Imams’ allowances, otherwise a massive movement will be organised against the government’s decision. ” Mr Togadia had threatened that if the unemployed youths and priests did not receive the same amount as that of the Imams, the VHP will resist it firmly. ” Ms Banerjee has also insulted the Bengali language by giving status of Urdu language. So we are asking the people to be united and to boycott those political leaders violating the Constitution and appeasing the Muslims for the vote bank and depriving the Hindu communities, ” Mr Togadia opined.

Veteran Monk of Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Swami Pradiptananda and other Hindu leaders also addressed the meeting.

Courtesy: UNI | IANS | Prasad Chattaraj
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Posted by SHOUMIK DAS Personal

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